The question of Good and Evil differs in Nordic Mythology quite much from many religions. We find the concept of The Golden Rule we learn from all religion: “Treat others just as you want to be treated”, as it is stated in Luke 6:31. Havamal in the Edda 42 places great emphasis on friendship and generosity “To your friend / you must be a friend / and repay gift with gift” Basically the same message as in the Gospels. But the view of evil as a diabolical force is lacking. Perhaps because the darkest god of all is Odin, who is both a sorcerer and an all-father, a rare combination (we can trace this to common roots in esoteric Shivaism). He is a loner, feared by many, hence few places in Scandinavia are named after him, while Tor, Frej, Freja and Frigga have a lot of places named after them.
The message regarding the fruit of Knowledge is diametrically opposed in the Bible and the Edda. In the Bible, the original sin is that man eats of the fruit of knowledge, while in the Edda it has what Odin himself does by sacrificing to himself in the World Tree Yggdrasil. Therefore, there is even a immanent of LHP inherent in the Nordic tradition. Betrayal, abuse, murder of innocents, are seen with at least as unfortunate eyes in the Edda as in the Bible, but the responsibility lies on man, not any Devil figure.
Evils is either unaccepted behaviors of Men. Or Evil is more of a force of nature. The Giants/Thurses live in either the land that is so cold that it destroys everything, or where it is so hot everything is burned. Man’s task is to navigate on a Golden Middle Path between these two principles of Ice and Fire, to seek transcendence and become like the gods. Like the god the adepts often seeks advices from the Giants. An epithet for the Giants was Hundvíss (“very wise”).
To compare with the Kundalini Yoga, the adept will be destroyed if just working with Ida, or just with Pingala. It is the interaction between these two serpents that make the Kundalini Shakti – The Red Dragon – rise, to full fill the prophecy in Genesis 3:5: “For God knows that when you eat from it (The Three of Knowledge) your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”